Bikram Hot Yoga Basel AG
Director: Kam Hummel
Pfluggässlein 1
CH 4051 Basel
T +41 61 261 6364
E welcome(a)


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Bikram Hot Yoga Basel AG

Director: Kam Hummel

Pfluggässlein 1

CH 4051 Basel


T +41 61 261 6364

E welcome(a)



Terms and Conditions:



Bikram Hot Yoga Basel maintains this information site for your personal information, education and communication.


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While Bikram Hot Yoga Basel uses reasonable efforts to include accurate and up to date information in the Site, Bikram Hot Yoga Basel makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy. Bikram Hot Yoga Basel assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of the Site. Bikram Yoga is not a substitute for medical care. Bikram Hot Yoga Basel offers no health warranties or guarantees of any kind. The yoga exercises depicted in this website are only a graphic representation for the understanding of the asanas or exercise. The reader of this site assumes all risks from using the information provided herein. Please do not attempt to practice these without proper guidance from a trained yoga instructor. We strongly recommend that you get professional medical advice before you apply any techniques presented on our site.



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