Bikram Hot Yoga is a unique series of 26 Hatha yoga postures and two breathing exercises. Each posture is followed by a brief relaxation, during which the body can process the benefits of the preceding pose. The class lasts 90 minutes and is performed in a heated room of 40°C. It does not require any prior experience in Yoga - everybody starts on their level. 


  • Sportswear like shorts, vest, top, bathing trunks (clothes that you can stretch in that are light and comfortable.)
  • Two large bath towels (one to practice on and one to shower with)
  • A bottle of water (no glass bottle, please)
  • A yogamat (if you have one)


We sell/rent everything you need for your yoga.



  • No reservations necessary to attend a class
  • For your first visit arrive 20 minutes before the class begins
  • If you have injuries or health issues please inform the teacher before the class begins
  • Avoid eating heavy meals about 3 hours before class
  • Drink a lot of water about 2 hours before attending the class so you are already hydrated
  • Take it easy in your first class, during the class feel free to sit down and have a break
  • There are seperate changing rooms with showers for men and women


Bikram Hot Yoga is something that needs a few classes to get used to. Once you have got used to the heat (which will take three to four classes) and your body has gone through the initial opening up and detoxification stages (which can be a little unpleasant!) you will start feeling the incredible health benefits that this miraculous system has to offer.


It is completely normal to feel a bit daunted by the first class, to feel dizzy and even get a detoxification headache, but thousands of people that have got through the hardest beginning stages will attest to the amazing results. It is really worth it!


The most important thing to remember is to take it easy and to come regularly. In 3 weeks you will already be seeing and feeling a big difference!



  • Don’t eat a meal just before taking the class
  • Don’t wear a white sports dress, that could turn transparent while sweating
  • Don’t drink sweet drinks or bring glass bottles in the yoga room
  • Don’t go to a important meeting just after your first class
  • Don’t wear parfume or scented oils in the yoga room



  • Please be silent in the yoga room
  • Valuables and mobile phones should be placed in the lockers (completely switched off)
  • Personal belongings must be left in the lockers/changing rooms
  • Stay in the room for the duration of 90 minutes. In case of an emergency, give a sign to your teacher
  • Don’t talk during the class, it breaks the silence of the meditation
  • First timers should set up their mat in the second or third row. This enables you to view more advanced practitioners in the first row and makes it easier to follow along through example.
  • After the class is completed, leave the room quietly so others are not disturbed
  • If you borrowed a yogamat, please put the mat in the basket outside the yoga room



You might feel very tired after class. This is absolutely normal and a good sign that your body is cleansing. Your energy levels should be restored to normal within several classes.


You might find yourself feeling extremely energetic and experience difficulty sleeping. Don't worry, this is a good sign that the yoga is truly filling you up with energy. You don't have insomnia. You just have more time to do the things you enjoy.


You might feel sore or stiff the day after your first class. Come back to class as soon as possible! Your body is waking up and coming alive and you want to keep the process going!


You might feel nauseous, dizzy or have a headache after class. This could be a sign that you are dehydrated. Please drink lots of water before returning to class. Or it could be a sign that you were trying so hard that you weren't breathing normally. Please breathe normally during every posture.


You might experience some skin irritation. This too is normal, it means that the skin is releasing toxins. Showering directly after class will wash the toxins away. It will also help normalize the body temperature.


You might feel very hungry after class for a while, or you might lose your appetite completely. Both reactions are normal. If you are concerned about your weight, don't worry too much either way. Once you get into a regular practice pattern, your appetite and your weight will normalize. You'll find yourself feeling and looking leaner and younger.


Everything you neet to know before your first class
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To save time before your first class, you can read and sign our Sign-Up-Sheet in advance.
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