23 classes available per week, 17 pure Bikram Hot Yoga classes featuring the classic 26 postures and two breathing exercises at 40°C and 40% humidity. We also offer two classes each of Pilates, Yoga Flow and Hot Vinyasa Yoga at 30 C.


The studio is open 25 minutes before each class begins. We lock the door at class time and cannot let in latecomers. Please be on time!


All classes are taught in English or in both English and German. You can see who is teaching when in our online schedule.


Summer Schedule starting May 14th

our classes

Bikram Yoga
Bikram Hot Yoga is a unique series of 26 Hatha yoga postures and two breathing exercises performed in a heated room of 40°C. Bikram Yoga does not require any prior experience in Yoga. 
Everyone can practice, regardless of age, gender, body type, flexibility or strength - everybody starts on their level. Class lasts 90 minutes and stretches and strengthes your muscles, mobilises your joints and activates your whole body.

Hot Vinyasa

The word ‚Vinyasa‘ comes from the Sanskrit language and it refers to the movement or ‚flow‘ between poses in a yoga sequence. Postures are linked with other postures using the breath to combine. The sequences of the poses are created by an individual teacher using their knowledge. The class takes place at 30°C and lasts 90 minutes.

Mat Pilates

Pilates is the ideal complementary training to Yoga. It's a full body workout that strengthens all your muscles and especially beneficial to your pelvic floor, abs and back. It is practised on a mat. Classes run 60 minutes and are held at room temperature.


Hot Hatha

Classic Hatha Yoga at the traditional Indian temperature of 40°C. Suited for students of all levels and experience - from newcomers to advanced. A balanced hatha sequence including sun salutations to challenge, stretch and strengthen your entire body and mind.

Yoga for the Youngsters
Our new class for young Yogis aged 17 to 28.


Monthly Special with Vinyasa Flow & Meditation
90 minutes at room temperature. We're now offering a Monthly Special featuring Vinyasa Dlow and Meditation. Evelyne Vuilleumier will be teaching classes featuring 45 minutes of Yoga followed by 45 minutes of guided meditation. Classes will focus on opening the body so that you can find inner peace and relaxation.


child care

There is a possibility to leave your children between 2 to 12 years old at "Kindernäscht" child care around the corner in the daytime.

Further details under: